php - 如何使用 php cURL 库绕过 Oracle ADF 环回脚本来编写网站脚本?

标签 php curl web-scraping oracle-adf loopback

我正在抓取一个具有 Oracle ADF loopback 脚本的网站,该脚本不断将我重定向到我的同一页面,那么如何绕过它?

以下是我的 php 代码。

    $url = '';
    $ch = curl_init($url);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, dirname(__FILE__) . '/cookie.txt');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, dirname(__FILE__) . '/cookie.txt');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $header[] = 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    if (curl_errno($ch)) { // check for execution errors
      echo 'Scraper error: ' . curl_error($ch);
    echo $data;


它还添加了一些查询字符串参数,例如 ?_afrLoop=39478247795404&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null

在实际站点 _afrWindowId 中有一些随机字母数字字符串,但我得到的是 null

手动停止页面重定向后,我得到了具有如下 Oracle 环回脚本的页面



    <html lang="el-GR"><head><script>
** Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 * This is the loopback script to process the url before the real page loads. It introduces
 * a separate round trip. During this first roundtrip, we currently do two things: 
 * - check the url hash portion, this is for the PPR Navigation. 
 * - do the new window detection
 * the above two are both controled by parameters in web.xml
 * Since it's very lightweight, so the network latency is the only impact. 
 * here are the list of will-pass-in parameters (these will replace the param in this whole
 * pattern: 
 *        viewIdLength                           view Id length (characters), 
 *        loopbackIdParam                        loopback Id param name, 
 *        loopbackId                             loopback Id,
 *        loopbackIdParamMatchExpr               loopback Id match expression, 
 *        windowModeIdParam                      window mode param name, 
 *        windowModeParamMatchExpr               window mode match expression, 
 *        clientWindowIdParam                    client window Id param name, 
 *        clientWindowIdParamMatchExpr           client window Id match expression, 
 *        windowId                               window Id, 
 *        initPageLaunch                         initPageLaunch, 
 *        enableNewWindowDetect                  whether we want to enable new window detection
 *        jsessionId                             session Id that needs to be appended to the redirect URL
 *        enablePPRNav                           whether we want to enable PPR Navigation

var id = null; 
var query = null; 
var href = document.location.href; 
var hashIndex = href.indexOf("#"); 
var hash = null;

/* process the hash part of the url, split the url */
if (hashIndex > 0) 
  hash = href.substring(hashIndex + 1); 
  /* only analyze hash when pprNav is on (bug 8832771) */
  if (false && hash && hash.length > 0) 
    hash = decodeURIComponent(hash); 
    if (hash.charAt(0) == "@") 
      query = hash.substring(1); 
      var state = hash.split("@"); 
      id = state[0]; 
      query = state[1]; 
  href = href.substring(0, hashIndex); 

/* process the query part */
var queryIndex = href.indexOf("?"); 
if (queryIndex > 0) 
  /* only when pprNav is on, we take in the query from the hash portion */
  query = (query || (id && id.length>0))? query: href.substring(queryIndex); 
  href = href.substring(0, queryIndex); 

var jsessionIndex = href.indexOf(';');
if (jsessionIndex > 0)
  href = href.substring(0, jsessionIndex);

/* we will replace the viewId only when pprNav is turned on (bug 8832771) */
if (false) 
  if (id != null && id.length > 0) 
    href = href.substring(0, href.length - 11) + id;

var isSet = false; 
if (query == null || query.length == 0) 
  query = "?"; 
else if (query.indexOf("_afrLoop=") >= 0) 
  isSet = true; 
  query = query.replace(/_afrLoop=[^&]*/, "_afrLoop=39279593944826"); 
  query += "&"; 
if (!isSet) 
  query = query += "_afrLoop=39279593944826"; 

/* below is the new window detection logic */
var initWindowName = "_afr_init_"; // temporary window name set to a new window
var windowName =;

// if the window name is "_afr_init_", treat it as redirect case of a new window
if ((true) && (!windowName || windowName==initWindowName || 
  /* append the _afrWindowMode param */
  var windowMode;
  if (true) 
    /* this is the initial page launch case, 
       also this could be that we couldn't detect the real windowId from the server side */
  else if ((href.indexOf("/__ADFvDlg__") > 0) || (query.indexOf("__ADFvDlg__") >= 0))
    /* this is the dialog case */
    /* this is the ctrl-N case */

  if (query.indexOf("_afrWindowMode=") >= 0) 
    query = query.replace(/_afrWindowMode=[^&]*/, "_afrWindowMode="+windowMode); 
    query = query += "&_afrWindowMode="+windowMode; 

  /* append the _afrWindowId param */
  var clientWindowId;
  /* in case we couldn't detect the windowId from the server side */
  if (!windowName || windowName == initWindowName) 
    clientWindowId = "null";

    // set window name to an initial name so we can figure out whether a page is loaded from
    // cache when doing Ctrl+N with IE = initWindowName;
    clientWindowId = windowName;

  if (query.indexOf("_afrWindowId=") >= 0) 
    query = query.replace(/_afrWindowId=\w*/, "_afrWindowId="+clientWindowId); 
    query = query += "&_afrWindowId="+clientWindowId; 


var sess = "";

if (sess.length > 0)
  href += sess; 

/* if pprNav is on, then the hash portion should have already been processed */
if ((false) || (hash == null))
  document.location.replace(href + query);
  document.location.replace(href + query + "#" + hash);




来自脚本的所有 GET 请求。请记住,当您切换到爬虫模式时,页面看起来会有所不同,因为它不是供人类使用的,但它应该包含您希望爬取的所有原始详细信息。

尽管这是一个老问题,而且 OP 可能早已转向更好的事情,但考虑在这里回答这个问题以帮助遇到同样问题的其他人。

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