php - 服务器不愿意执行。 PHP 中的 LDAP

标签 php authentication ldap openldap


Server is unwilling to perform


   echo "Checking ...";
    $username = $_POST["username"];
    $passwd = $_POST["passwd"];
    $host              = ''; 
    $port              = 389; 
    $dn                = 'uid='.$username.',cn=nssproxy,ou=users,dc=co,dc=uk';

   // conexion a ldap

    $conn = ldap_connect( "ldap://".$host.":389") ;

    ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
    ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);

    // match de usuario y password
    $bind = ldap_bind( $conn, $dn, $password );

    if ($bind){
        echo "OK";
    else {
        echo "NO OK";
    echo ldap_error($conn);




所以我在 Google 上搜索了Server is unwilling to perform,第一个结果是:

C.1.4. ldap_*: server is unwilling to perform

slapd will return an unwilling to perform error if the backend holding the target entry does not support the given operation.

The password backend is only willing to perform searches. It will return an unwilling to perform error for all other operations.

The shell backend is configurable and may support a limited subset of operations. Check for other errors indicating a shortage of resources required by the directory server. i.e. you may have a full disk etc

ldap_mod_replace() [function.ldap-mod-replace]: Modify: Server is unwilling to perform也有一些要求

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