java - 字符串数组名称搜索

标签 java file java.util.scanner

所以我有一个包含所有总统的文件 - 他们的名字、中间名首字母(如果有)和姓氏。




... and so on with all the presidents




public class NameSearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        try {
            // read from presidents file
            Scanner presidentsFile = new Scanner(new File("Presidents.txt"));
            // scanner for user input
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            // create array list of each line in presidents file
            ArrayList<String> presidentsArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

            // prompt user to enter a string to see if it matches with a president's name
            System.out.println("Enter a search string of letters to find a president match: ");
            // store user input
            String userInput = keyboard.nextLine();

            // add president file info to array list linesInPresidentFile
            while (presidentsFile.hasNextLine()) {
            } // end while loop

            String presidentNamesArray[] = presidentsArrayList.toArray(new String[presidentsArrayList.size()]);
            String results = searchArray(presidentNamesArray, userInput);

            //System.out.println("\nThe presidents who have \"" + userInput + "\" as part of their name are: ");

        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            // print out error (if any) to screen

        } // end catch block

    } // end main

    // method to search for a specific value in an array
    public static String searchArray(String array[], String value) {

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i].toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase())) {
                String splitter[] = array[i].split(" ,");

        return Arrays.toString(array);



我可能还有另一种实现方式。读取文件输入并将它们存储为对象(可能带有 lname、fname 和年份的类)。通过这种方式,您可以从用户输入中搜索 lname,将其与相应的 fname(作为相同的对象)匹配。创建可以完成一次,搜索可以在 while 循环中完成,实现用户同意继续搜索。

//define your class like this:
static int i; //to keep a track of number of objects
public class dummy{
string fname;
string lname;
string year;

while the file content exists:
read the line
dummy dobj[i++] = new dummy();//allocate memory for the object 
split the different parameters (fname, lname, year) from the read line
put these read parameters into the object 
dobj[i].fname = first;
dobj[i].lname = second;
dobj[i].year = y;

//ask your user to enter the query in a specified format
//if he enters lname, compare your input to all the object's lname, and so on
//in case of lname && fname, compare your input to the lname first and then check for the corresponding objects fname, if they match.. display


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