java - 在 Jasperreports 中从服务器接收到多个不同的 Content-Disposition header

标签 java servlets http-headers jasper-reports

我正在尝试设置内容处置 header 以响应 servlet,但我在浏览器中收到此错误。我该怎么办?

Duplicate headers received from server

The response from the server contained duplicate headers. This problem is generally the result of a misconfigured website or proxy. Only the website or proxy administrator can fix this issue.

Error 349 (net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION): Multiple distinct Content-Disposition headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.

这是我的 servlet Controller :

public class PaymentOrderReportViewController extends org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController {
    private PaymentDao paymentDao;
    private JasperPdfView pdfView;

    protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "report.pdf");

        PaymentOrderEntity paymentOrderEntity = null;
        String traceCode = request.getParameter(ParamConstants.TRACE_CODE);

        if (traceCode != null) {
            PaymentSheetRequestEntity payRequestEntity = paymentDao.loadByUniqueProperty(PaymentSheetRequestEntity.PROP_TRACE_CODE,
            if (payRequestEntity != null) {
                paymentOrderEntity = payRequestEntity.getPaymentOrder();

        if (paymentOrderEntity != null) {
            List<PaymentOrderEntity> result = new ArrayList<PaymentOrderEntity>();
            JRDataSource jrDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(result);

            Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            model.put("reportData", jrDataSource);

            return new ModelAndView(pdfView, model);
        return null;
    public void setPaymentDao(PaymentDao paymentDao) {
        this.paymentDao = paymentDao;

    public void setPdfView(JasperPdfView pdfView) {
        this.pdfView = pdfView;

和 JasperPdfView 类:

public class JasperPdfView extends AbstractJasperReportsView {
    protected void renderReport(JasperPrint populatedReport, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        JRPdfExporter jrPdfExporter = new JRPdfExporter();
        if (getConvertedExporterParameters() != null) {
        jrPdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, populatedReport);
        jrPdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, response.getOutputStream());



已阅读 HTTP specs Content-Disposition header (不是 HTTP 规范本身的一部分)不应包含逗号字符,因为它将被视为两个不同 header 的分隔符。

Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma.

因此,如果您的文件名是 report,May2014.pdf,那么 Chrome 会解释

内容配置:附件; filename=report,May2014.pdf

作为同一个 http 消息头的两个值


Content-Disposition: May2014.pdf

这又被解释为 HTTP response splitting attack ,可能是因为在单个 HTTP 响应中实际上不应有多个 Content-Disposition header 值。


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