
标签 java char integer variable-assignment

short s = 'a';       // valid
Short ss = 'a';      // valid
int i = 'a';         // valid
Integer ii = 'a';    // invalid

为什么 Integer ii = 'a' 无效,但 int i = 'a' 有效?为什么 Short ss ='a' 有效,但 Integer ii = 'a' 无效?


byte b;
final short s = 1;
final Short ss = 1;
final int i =1;
final Integer ii = i;
final long L = 1;
final Long LL =1L;

b = s;     // valid
b = ss;    // invalid
b = i;     // valid
b = ii;    // invalid
b = L;     // invalid
b = LL;    // invalid  

为什么 b = L;无效,而 b = s;有效的 ?

请不要说这都是因为JLS这么说的。我想知道为什么 JLS 有这些不一致和不直观的规则。我错过了什么?



Short s = 'a'; // is valid ...

因为 char 是无符号 16 位值(最大值为 65,536)而 short 是有符号 16 位值(最大值为 32,767),所以有缩小原始转换(char 到 short),然后是装箱转换(short 到 Short)。

short s = 'a'; // is valid - this is a narrowing primitive conversion (char -> short)

这些是 special cases :

In addition, if the expression is a constant expression of type byte, short, char, or int:

  • A narrowing primitive conversion may be used if the type of the variable is byte, short, or char, and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type of the variable.

A narrowing primitive conversion followed by a boxing conversion may be used if the type of the variable is:

  • Byte and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type byte.

  • Short and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type short.

  • Character and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type char.


Integer ii = 'a'; // is invalid - not a special case according to Oracle docs
int i = 'a';      // is valid - widening primitive conversion (char -> int) is allowed


byte b;
final long L = 1;
b = L // error - incompatible types

为什么行 b = L 无效?因为它不是上述的特殊情况,而且我们可能会在转换过程中丢失信息,所以您必须显式执行它:

b = (byte) L; // is valid - narrowing primitive conversion (long -> byte)

另外,看看很有帮助的 table .

JLS 文档中有很多关于所有这些规则的信息,您无需担心所有这些规则。关于你的最后一个问题,我能说的是,如果没有隐式缩小转换,在接下来的情况下,任何整数文字都需要强制转换:

// Cast is permitted, but not required - profit!
byte  b = (byte)  100;
short s = (short) 100;


byte  b = 100;
short s = 100;

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