java - 如何避免在 wicket 请求结束时重置 FileUploadField

标签 java file-upload wicket

我有一个 wicket 表单,其中包含一个 FileUploadField 和一些更多的文本字段。当缺少必填字段时,验证将正确失败。然后,我选择上传的文件变成空的,所以我必须再次选择它,然后才能提交填写了所有必填字段的表单。

事实上,FileUploadField documentation说:

The model of this component is reset with null at the end of the request because FileUpload instances do not survive across requests since the input streams they point to will be closed. Because of this, the FileUpload instance should be processed within the same request as the form containing it was submitted.




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