java - 如何选择一个Kafka

标签 java apache-kafka


  • 我的Kafka应用程序遵循以下模式:使用来自输入主题的消息,进行处理,然后发布到输出主题。
  • 我不使用Kafka Streams API。
  • 我在一个消费者组中有多个消费者,每个消费者都在自己的轮询线程中。
  • 有一个带有工作线程的线程池,该线程用于执行消息处理并将其发布到输出主题。目前,每个线程都有自己的生产者实例。
  • 我正在使用已发布的事务API,以确保消耗偏移量的更新和对输出主题的发布原子地进行

  • 到目前为止,我的假设包括:
  • 如果我的进程在中间事务中崩溃,那么该事务中的任何内容都不会发布,也不会消耗消耗。因此,在重新启动时,我只需从原始的消耗偏移量再次启动事务即可。
  • 对于生产者,重要的是它是唯一的。因此,我可以在启动
  • 时生成基于时间戳的id

    然后,我阅读了以下博客:。特别是在“如何选择交易ID”部分中,这似乎意味着我需要保证每个输入分区都有一个生产者实例。它说:“正确抵御僵尸的关键是确保对于给定的,读-写-写循环中的输入主题和分区始终相同。”它还进一步列举了以下问题示例:“例如,在分布式流处理应用程序中,假定主题分区tp0最初是由 T0处理的。如果在以后的某个时候,它可以通过事务处理映射到另一个生产者.id T1,在T0和T1之间不会有隔离。因此,有可能重新处理来自tp0的消息,这完全违反了一次处理保证。”




    从为什么交易? aforementioned article中的部分。

    Using vanilla Kafka producers and consumers configured for at-least-once delivery semantics, a stream processing application could lose exactly once processing semantics in the following ways:

    1. The producer.send() could result in duplicate writes of message B due to internal retries. This is addressed by the idempotent producer and is not the focus of the rest of this post.

    2. We may reprocess the input message A, resulting in duplicate B messages being written to the output, violating the exactly once processing semantics. Reprocessing may happen if the stream processing application crashes after writing B but before marking A as consumed. Thus when it resumes, it will consume A again and write B again, causing a duplicate.

    3. Finally, in distributed environments, applications will crash or—worse!—temporarily lose connectivity to the rest of the system. Typically, new instances are automatically started to replace the ones which were deemed lost. Through this process, we may have multiple instances processing the same input topics and writing to the same output topics, causing duplicate outputs and violating the exactly once processing semantics. We call this the problem of “zombie instances.” [emphasis added]

    same article的“事务语义”部分。

    Zombie fencing

    We solve the problem of zombie instances by requiring that each transactional producer be assigned a unique identifier called the This is used to identify the same producer instance across process restarts. [emphasis added]

    The API requires that the first operation of a transactional producer should be to explicitly register its with the Kafka cluster. When it does so, the Kafka broker checks for open transactions with the given and completes them. It also increments an epoch associated with the The epoch is an internal piece of metadata stored for every

    Once the epoch is bumped, any producers with same and an older epoch are considered zombies and are fenced off, ie. future transactional writes from those producers are rejected. [emphasis added]

    并从same article中的“数据流”部分开始。

    A: the producer and transaction coordinator interaction

    When executing transactions, the producer makes requests to the transaction coordinator at the following points:

    1. The initTransactions API registers a with the coordinator. At this point, the coordinator closes any pending transactions with that and bumps the epoch to fence out zombies. This happens only once per producer session. [emphasis added]

    2. When the producer is about to send data to a partition for the first time in a transaction, the partition is registered with the coordinator first.

    3. When the application calls commitTransaction or abortTransaction, a request is sent to the coordinator to begin the two phase commit protocol.


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