Java Spring - RowMapper ResultSet - 整数/空值

标签 java spring jdbc jdbctemplate

我有一个 Java SE 8 Spring 4.1.6-RELEASE 应用程序,我正在其中实现 org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper<T> 界面,我对 java.sql.ResultSet 有一些疑问在其 T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) 中传递的接口(interface)方法。

当我检查 ResultSet类,我看到了一堆方法来取回列值:

║ Return Type  ║       Method        ║                                                                   Return (javadoc, se 8)                                                                   ║
║ String       ║ getString           ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ boolean      ║ getBoolean          ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is false                                                                                    ║
║ byte         ║ getByte             ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ short        ║ getShort            ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ int          ║ getInt              ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ long         ║ getLong             ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ float        ║ getFloat            ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ double       ║ getDouble           ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is 0                                                                                        ║
║ BigDecimal   ║ getBigDecimal       ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ byte[]       ║ getBytes            ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ Date         ║ getDate             ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ Time         ║ getTime             ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ Timestamp    ║ getTimestamp        ║ the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null                                                                                     ║
║ InputStream  ║ getAsciiStream      ║ a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of one-byte ASCII characters; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null ║
║ Reader       ║ getCharacterStream  ║ a object that contains the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null in the Java programming language              ║
║ InputStream  ║ getBinaryStream     ║ a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of uninterpreted bytes; if the value is SQL NULL, the value returned is null       ║
║ <T> T        ║ getObject           ║ an instance of type holding the column value                                                                                                               ║

Is the genernal expectation / practice to call:

rs.getObject("COLUMN_NAME", Boolean.class);

rs.getObject("COLUMN_NAME", Byte.class);

rs.getObject("COLUMN_NAME", Short.class);

rs.getObject("COLUMN_NAME", Integer.class);

rs.getObject("COLUMN_NAME", Long.class);

等等,对于所有的原始类型?由于其他一切都返回 null例如 SQL NULL .



  1. 使用 getInt(String columnLabel) :

    Integer resultingActionId = rs.getInt("RESULTING_ACTION_ID");
    if (rs.wasNull) {
        resultingActionId = null

  2. 使用 getObject(String columnLabel)并转换到Integer :

    Integer resultingActionId = (Integer) rs.getObject("RESULTING_ACTION_ID");

  3. 使用 getObject(String columnLabel, Class type) :

    Integer resultingActionId = rs.getObject("RESULTING_ACTION_ID", Integer.class);

例如,我注意到 org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate 曾经有 queryForLong , queryForInt 等方法,用于从单行查询中获取单个值并将它们全部替换为有利于类型化的 queryForObject方法。



如果你看一下java.sql.ResultSet ,你可以看到你不需要那么明确。实际上,除非你有一个允许你使用 getObject 方法的连接类型映射器,否则它不会工作(java.sql.ResultSet.getObject)。

我不知道它是否对你有帮助,但我设法找到了一个我自己的 RowMapper,它非常适合我的需要。

private class ShabaUserMapper implements RowMapper<ShabaUser>
    public ShabaUser mapRow( ResultSet rs, int rowNum ) throws SQLException
        Collection<SimpleGrantedAuthority> roles = new ArrayList<SimpleGrantedAuthority>();

        String auths = rs.getString( "role" );

        roles.add( new SimpleGrantedAuthority( auths ) );

        ShabaUser user = new ShabaUser( rs.getString( "username" ), rs.getString( "password" ),
                rs.getBoolean( "enabled" ), rs.getString( "first_name" ),
                rs.getString( "last_name" ), rs.getString( "email" ),
                rs.getString( "date_joined" ), rs.getString( "last_online" ), true, true, true,
                roles );

        // Can be null!
        Integer awesomeness = rs.getInt( "awesomeness" );
        if ( rs.wasNull() )
            awesomeness = null;

        user.setAwesomeness( awesomeness );

        return user;

private class ShabaUserListExtractor implements ResultSetExtractor<List<ShabaUser>>
    private final ShabaUserMapper rowMapper;

    private int                   rowsExpected;

    public ShabaUserListExtractor()
        this( new ShabaUserMapper(), 0 );

    public ShabaUserListExtractor( ShabaUserMapper rowMapper, int rowsExpected )
        Assert.notNull( rowMapper, "RowMapper is required" );
        this.rowMapper = rowMapper;
        this.rowsExpected = rowsExpected;

    public List<ShabaUser> extractData( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException
        HashMap<String, ShabaUser> results = ( this.rowsExpected > 0
                                                                    ? new HashMap<String, ShabaUser>(
                                                                            rowsExpected )
                                                                    : new HashMap<String, ShabaUser>() );
        int rowNum = 0;
        while ( )
            ShabaUser user = rowMapper.mapRow( rs, rowNum++ );

            if ( results.containsKey( user.getUsername() ) )
                ShabaUser inUser = results.get( user.getUsername() );
                ArrayList<GrantedAuthority> combinedAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();

                combinedAuthorities.addAll( inUser.getAuthorities() );
                combinedAuthorities.addAll( user.getAuthorities() );

                results.put( user.getUsername(),
                    createUserDetails( user.getUsername(), user, combinedAuthorities ) );
            } else
                results.put( user.getUsername(), user );

        return new ArrayList<ShabaUser>( results.values() );

我知道这是很多代码,但希望您能看到这里完成了什么。实际的 RowMapper 实现实际上是为了容纳所有从行信息中提取对象的“脏工作”。

只要您的数据库设置正确,并且在必需的列上设置了 NOT NULL,您就永远不会遇到提取空行的问题。虽然我认为检查 ResultSet 的空响应不会有什么坏处,但如果该列应该有一个值,您仍然会最终抛出异常。

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