java - Hibernate 忽略 fetchgraph

标签 java hibernate jpa entitygraph


public class PersonItem implements Serializable{
    private String guid;

    private String name;

    private String surname;

    private Date birthDate;
 //+getters and setters


Query query = em.createQuery("Select p from PersonItem p WHERE p.guid IN (:guids)");
EntityGraph<PersonItem> eg = em.createEntityGraph(PersonItem.class);
query.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", eg);
query.setParameter("guids", guids);
List<PersonItem> list=query.getResultList();
// And now I iterate result AFTER EM CLOSE

如果我正确理解获取图形,它必须只加载我指定的那些字段。但是,字段“birthDate”也被加载。此外,我看到在 hibernate sql 查询中选择了 4 列。

如何解决?我使用 hibernate 5.1.0 作为 JPA 提供程序。



Hibernate 对此提供了一些支持,但要开始工作相当困难,描述了 here .然而,他们提到了以下对这种方法的沉默(我完全同意):

Please note that this is mostly a marketing feature; optimizing row reads is much more important than optimization of column reads.



正如所指出的,JPA 确实让提供者决定是否延迟获取简单列(非关联)。

The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that data must be eagerly fetched. The LAZY strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime that data should be fetched lazily when it is first accessed. The implementation is permitted to eagerly fetch data for which the LAZY strategy hint has been specified. In particular, lazy fetching might only be available for Basic mappings for which property-based access is used.

从 Hibernate 5 开始,添加了对字节码增强的官方支持,这可能允许延迟属性获取。

来自latest Hibernate docs我们有:


fetch - FetchType (defaults to EAGER)

Defines whether this attribute should be fetched eagerly or lazily. JPA says that EAGER is a requirement to the provider (Hibernate) that the value should be fetched when the owner is fetched, while LAZY is merely a hint that the value be fetched when the attribute is accessed. Hibernate ignores this setting for basic types unless you are using bytecode enhancement.


Lazy attribute loading

Think of this as partial loading support. Essentially you can tell Hibernate that only part(s) of an entity should be loaded upon fetching from the database and when the other part(s) should be loaded as well. Note that this is very much different from proxy-based idea of lazy loading which is entity-centric where the entity’s state is loaded at once as needed. With bytecode enhancement, individual attributes or groups of attributes are loaded as needed.

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