java - 来自用字段值初始化的数组的 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

标签 java arrays data-structures

当我尝试将一个元素放入 Java 数组中时,我从构造函数参数中获取数组大小,它会抛出一个 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 异常。但是,当我在声明添加元素的数组时设置大​​小时有效。


public class Stack {
    public int size;

    public Stack(int size)
        this.size = size;

    public int[] arr = new int[size];

    public int top = -1;

    // Methods
    public void push(int value)
        arr[top] = value;


new Stack(10).push(123);


this.size 的值是“正确的”时,您需要初始化数组。 this.size 的初始值是 0(零)(参见 Initial Values of Variables )所以这不是初始化数组的时间;您必须“等待”才能知道数组的大小。哪里提供了那个尺寸?在类构造函数中。



public class Stack {
    public int size ;                   // size = 0 at this time
    public Stack(int size)
        this.size = size;
    public int[] arr = new int[size];  // still size = 0 at this time!
                                       // so you're creating an array of size zero
                                       // (you won't be able to "put" any value in it)
    public int top = -1;

    public void push(int value)
        top++;             // after this line `top` is 0
        arr[top] = value;  // in an array of zero size you are trying to set in its
                           // "zero" position the value of `value`
                           // it's something like this:
                           // imagine this array (with no more room)[], can you put values?,
                           // of course not


public class Stack {

    public int size;
    public int[] arr;         // declare the array variable, but do not initialize it yet
    public int top = -1;

    public Stack(int size) {
        this.size = size;
        arr = new int[size];  // when we know in advance which will be the size of the array,
                              // then initialize it with that size

    public void push(int value) {
        arr[top] = value;

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