java - 如何使用 IE (Internet Explorer 11) 更改默认下载目录

标签 java selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid

在这篇文章中,我看到了为 Chrome 和 Firefox 设置下载目录的解决方案 how to change file download location in Webdriver while using chrome driver/firefox driver

这些对我来说非常有效(即公认的答案),但是四处搜索我找不到任何关于使用 Internet Explorer 11 执行此操作的信息。有谁知道我在哪里可以找到这些信息?


根据 this answer来自 Jim Evans,他积极参与 Internet Explorer 的 WebDriver,这是不可能的:

Internet Explorer doesn't use profiles. It's a limitation of the browser itself, not the IE driver. As such, there is no way to automatically download files to a specified location with Internet Explorer.


As far as I am aware, there is no difference between Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer with respect to using "profiles." The profile is still tied to the logged-in user account in Windows.

因此,从某种意义上说,目录已经指定。关键是您不能通过 WebDriver 覆盖它。

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