java - 奇怪的 Java 并发修改异常示例

标签 java exception



public static void main(String... args) {
    List<String> listOfBooks = new ArrayList<>();
    listOfBooks.add("Programming Pearls");
    listOfBooks.add("Clean Code");
    listOfBooks.add("Effective Java");
    listOfBooks.add("Code Complete");

    System.err.println("Before deleting : " + listOfBooks);
    for (String book : listOfBooks) {
        if (book.contains("Code")) {
    System.err.println("After deleting : " + listOfBooks);

另一方面,如果我们这样写,没有并发修改异常! 请注意代码完全相同,除了用于比较的字符串,在第一个示例中它是一个 Code,在第二个示例中它是一个 Java

public static void main(String... args) {
    List<String> listOfBooks = new ArrayList<>();
    listOfBooks.add("Programming Pearls");
    listOfBooks.add("Clean Code");
    listOfBooks.add("Effective Java");
    listOfBooks.add("Code Complete");

    System.err.println("Before deleting : " + listOfBooks);
    for (String book : listOfBooks) {
        if (book.contains("Java")) {
    System.err.println("After deleting : " + listOfBooks);

我正在使用 Netbeans 8.2、Windows 7 32 位和 JDK 1.8.0_131 怎么了?


List.remove() 从列表中删除倒数第二个元素时不会抛出 ConcurrentModificationException

引自此Java Bug (JDK-4902078) .

When the Collections Framework was added to the platform it was deemed too expensive to check for comodification once rather than twice per iteration; the check was made on rather than Iterator.hasNext. Expert reviewers thought this was sufficient. They were unaware that it fails to detect one important case: if an element is removed from the list immediately prior to the final call to hasNext in an iteration, the call returns false and the iteration terminates, silently ignoring the last element on the list.


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