java - 使用 Stanford NER 从文本文档中提取地址?

标签 java stanford-nlp text-processing

我在看斯坦福NER并考虑使用 JAVA Apis it 从文本文档中提取邮政地址。该文档可以是任何包含邮政地址部分的文档,例如水电费、电费。


  1. 使用 LOCATION 和其他原始命名实体将邮政地址定义为命名实体。
  2. 定义分割和其他子流程。



需要说明的是:所有功劳归功于 Raj Vardhan(和 John Bauer),他们在 [java-nlp-user] 上进行了互动。邮件列表。

Raj Vardhan 写了关于“在一句话中查找街道地址”的工作计划:

Here is an approach I have thought of:

  1. Find the event-anchor in a sentence
  2. Select outgoing-edges in the SemanticGraph from that event-node with relations such as *"prep-in" *or "prep-at".
  3. IF the dependent value in the relation has POS tag as NNP

a) Find outgoing-edges from dependent value's node with relations such as "nn"

b) Connect all such nodes in increasing order of occurrence in the sentence.

c) PRINT resulting value as Location where the event occurred

This is obviously with certain assumptions such as direct dependency between the event-anchor and location in a sentence.

不确定这是否对您有帮助,但我想提一下以防万一。同样,任何荣誉都应归功于 Raj Vardhan(和 John Bauer)。

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