python - 如何在 Google App Engine 中包含第三方 Python 库?

标签 python google-app-engine

如何在 Google App Engine 中添加非 Google 提供的第三方 Python 库?我正在尝试在 Google App Engine 中使用 BeautifulSoup,但无法这样做。但我的问题是针对我想在 Google App Engine 中使用的任何库。


Google 为您的 GAE 项目中包含的第三方库提供了文档化方式。

"Adding Third-party Packages to the Application" section of the Libraries in Python 2.7 docs .

If you want to include additional pure-python third-party packages, you can do so by setting up vendoring. Vendoring allows you to install packages to a subdirectory of your project and include them in your code. To use vendoring, create (or modify) in the root of your project.

from google.appengine.ext import vendor
# Add any libraries installed in the "lib" folder.

然后将所有库的源代码放入 lib 目录

> pip install beautifulsoup4 -t lib


- lib
  - bs4

这将允许您的项目的源文件导入库的包/模块,就像它们已添加到您的 PYTHON_PATH 一样。例如:

# file:
import bs4  # no need for 'from lib import bs4'
# do stuff with bs4...

您还可以通过执行以下命令轻松安装 requirements.txt 文件中的所有内容

> pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt

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