seo - 如果搜索引擎在我的网站上发现太多错误的关键字,是否会对我的排名有害?

标签 seo search-engine keyword ranking

我在我的网站上放了一些 Java 代码文件。我探索了 Google 的网站管理员工具,它似乎也为这些文件编制了索引,因此找到了许多典型的 Java 关键字(public、void、null,...)。这些关键字之一出现了 1500 次。相比之下,我的实际内容中第一个真正的关键字是 31. 最高,总共出现了 42 次。 当用户搜索我的真实关键字之一时,这是否会损害我的排名,因为搜索引擎认为它是我网站上不重要的关键字?我是否应该在我的 robots.txt 中添加一条规则来防止这种情况发生?



另见此处 >

Q: Why do my Webmaster Tools stats show common phrases such as "buy now" that are not directly related to my site? A: While some common words and phrases are filtered by Webmaster Tools, there may be some that you use which are not. Having these words or phrases listed in your Webmaster Tools account does not mean that our algorithms will view your site as being only relevant for those keywords. While Webmaster Tools mostly counts the occurences of words on your site, our web-search algorithms use well over 200 other factors for crawling, indexing and ranking. In other words: don't worry if you see keywords like this listed in your Webmaster Tools account.

Keep in mind that this data may take some time to be updated (Googlebot needs to recrawl your pages). Also, since all content from your pages are used for this data, it's possible that it also contains words and phrases like "buy now" which may not be that relevant to your site on a whole.

关于seo - 如果搜索引擎在我的网站上发现太多错误的关键字,是否会对我的排名有害?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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