python - dict和set之间的区别(python)

标签 python dictionary set


a = {}  # dict


b = {1, 2, 3}  # set


<class 'dict'>

<class 'set'>

虽然我理解它的作用,但我看不出为什么我们对空字典使用“集合表示法”。我试图在 set 中找到有关其背后逻辑的更多信息。和 dict手册的部分,但遗憾的是,我没有从中得到任何东西。



Python 2 中没有 set literals,历史上花括号仅用于字典。集合可以从列表(或任何可迭代对象)中产生:

set([1, 2, 3])
set([i for i in range(1, 3)])

Python 3 引入了集合字面量和推导式(参见 PEP-3100),这使我们能够避免中间列表:

{1, 2, 3}
{i for i in range(1, 3)}

然而,由于向后兼容,空集形式被保留给字典使用。来自 [Python-3000] sets in P3K? 的引用资料状态:

I'm sure we can work something out --- I agree, {} for empty set and {:} for empty dict would be ideal, were it not for backward compatibility. I liked the "special empty object" idea when I first wrote the PEP (i.e., have {} be something that could turn into either a set or dict), but one of the instructors here convinced me that it would just lead to confusion in newcomers' minds (as well as being a pain to implement).

following message更好地描述这些规则:

I think Guido had the best solution. Use set() for empty sets, use {} for empty dicts, use {genexp} for set comprehensions/displays, use {1,2,3} for explicit set literals, and use {k1:v1, k2:v2} for dict literals. We can always add {/} later if demand exceeds distaste.

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