php - 通过 .htaccess 删除 modsecurity 规则

标签 php apache .htaccess sql-injection mod-security

当我尝试保存包含某些可能类似于 SQL 查询的文本的文件时,出现 500 内部服务器错误。所以 ModSecurity 正在阻止它:

[client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 500 (phase 2). Pattern match "(insert[[:space:]]+into.+values|select.*from.+[a-z|A-Z|0-9]|select.+from|bulk[[:space:]]+insert|union.+select|convert.+\\\\(.*from)" at ARGS:description. [file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf"] [line "359"] [id "300016"] [rev "2"] [msg "Generic SQL injection protection"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [hostname ""] [uri "/app/3/admin/modules/product/product_a.php"] [unique_id "TzvCxkPj2kkAAH4WkMwAAAAE"]

因此,我在文件夹/app/3/admin/modules/product/上创建了一个 .htaccess 文件

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterRemove 300015
SecFilterRemove 300016

但这也不能解决问题。我仍然收到 500 代码,其中包含 apache 日志文件中的日志条目。



问题真的是文件的保存吗?我觉得很难想象,因为这根本不是 Apache 的管辖范围。难道不是查询字符串中的查询造成了麻烦吗?

您也许能够规避这一点,例如通过对查询进行 Base64 编码(如果 33% 的大小增加不能测试 URL 的大小限制),或者将查询存储在 session 变量中并仅传递指向该变量的唯一随 secret 钥。

Edit: if you're really transmitting live SQL queries that you later execute - don't do it. It's exactly the reason why this mod_security filter exists.

either way, phpMyAdmin, a database management tool, has the same problem: It transmits live queries for running. There is a number of posts dealing with phpMyAdmin and mod_security. This one suggests a number of other filter IDs to disable. (Ideally, you would do this only for the one file that needs to receive the POST data.)

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