facebook - 旧的 Facebook离线访问 token 是否可以在离线访问已弃用的情况下继续使用?

标签 facebook deprecated access-token

我已使用应用程序用户的offline_access 存储了访问 token 。我准备获取 token 并将其延长 60 天,以便我的应用程序可以使用offline_access 弃用功能。但我需要知道旧 token 会发生什么。

启用offline_access弃用后,旧存储的 token 会在两小时、60天后过期还是永远不会过期(直到用户取消对应用程序的授权等)?


根据documentation covering offline_access permission removal授予您 offline_access 权限的用户的 access_token 将保持与以前相同:

If you have been using offline_access

For those developers who were asking for the offline_access permissions and for those users that granted that permission, existing access_tokens will continue to have no expiration time.

For any user that has to login or re-login to your app, they will no longer see the permission for offline_access in the Auth Dialog (because the migration is enabled). Your app should continue to function as before even without getting the offline_access, but you should consider using the new endpoint to extend the expiration time of existing access_tokens.

关于facebook - 旧的 Facebook离线访问 token 是否可以在离线访问已弃用的情况下继续使用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10010152/


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