facebook - as3-fb-api : how is it possible to have an accesstoken BEFORE Facebook. init()

标签 facebook actionscript-3 facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token

as3-facebook-api(针对 flash)的 Facebook.init 方法允许使用可选的 accesstoken 参数。

但是 .init(...) 方法的重点是初始化所有内容...访问 token 是初始化阶段的副产品。

那么,如何才能拥有访问 token 呢?



访问 token 在特定时间内有效,因此从技术上讲您可以重复使用它。或者您可以使用另一种语言连接到 Facebook 并从中获得 token (比您想象的更常见)


好的,在运行一些测试并查看 Facebook AS3 中的代码后,这就是我所拥有的:

  • 你是对的,在做任何事情之前你必须先调用 Facebook.init() 。否则,到处都会出现错误
  • 传递 accessToken 不会执行任何操作,除非您还传递和选项 Objectstatus = false (因此您的 init() 调用将变为 Facebook.init( APP_ID, this._onInit, {status:false}, myAccessToken); )
  • 基本上它所做的是初始化库,但不调用 getLoginStatus()外部事件,因此您可以节省一些调用,并且您的程序启动得更快 - 据我所知,仅此而已。
  • 如果您不关心该库,并且您有访问 token ,从技术上讲您可以绕过 init()总共,只需附加 ?access_token=[myToken]当您调用api()时到您的网址末尾(例如 Facebook.api( "/me?access_token=" + myAccessToken, this._onInfo ); ) - 或完全跳过库,只需创建 URLLoader请求网址

一个简单的例子展示了这一切。正常创建您的应用程序,替换您的应用程序 ID,然后正常连接。它将追踪您的 uid 和访问 token 。复制 token ,再次启动应用程序,然后将 token 粘贴到输入区域。现在,当您 init() 时,它会使用它再次。

    import com.facebook.graph.data.FacebookAuthResponse;
    import com.facebook.graph.Facebook;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;

     * Test facebook connect, showing the init() call with and without an access token. Make a normal
     * connection, then copy the access token, and reload. paste your token into the input area to use
     * it for the init() call
     * @author Damian Connolly
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        private static const APP_ID:String = "[SET_YOUR_APP_ID]";

        private var m_tf:TextFormat     = new TextFormat( "Trebuchet Ms", 9 );
        private var m_input:TextField   = null; // for adding the token
        private var m_log:TextField     = null; // for logging our messages

        public function Main():void 
            // create our input
            this.m_input                    = new TextField;
            this.m_input.defaultTextFormat  = this.m_tf;
            this.m_input.border             = true;
            this.m_input.background         = true;
            this.m_input.type               = TextFieldType.INPUT;
            this.m_input.text               = " ";
            this.m_input.width              = 700.0;
            this.m_input.height             = this.m_input.textHeight + 4.0;
            this.m_input.text               = "";
            this.m_input.x = this.m_input.y = 10.0;
            this.addChild( this.m_input );

            // log and add our mouse listeners
            this._log( "Press [SPACE] to init facebook connection, [CTRL] to login, [SHIFT] to get data" );
            this._log( "Copy a pre-existing token into the textfield above to use it in the init() call" );
            this.stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, this._onKeyDown );

        // keyboard listener
        private function _onKeyDown( e:KeyboardEvent ):void
            if ( e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE )
            else if ( e.keyCode == Keyboard.CONTROL )
            else if ( e.keyCode == Keyboard.SHIFT )

        // init our facebook api
        private function _init():void
            // use our token if we have one
            var token:String = ( this.m_input.text != "" ) ? this.m_input.text : null;

            this._log( "---------- Initing facebook with token '" + token + "'" );
            if ( token == null )
                Facebook.init( Main.APP_ID, this._onInit );
                var options:* = { status:false };
                Facebook.init( Main.APP_ID, this._onInit, options, token );

        // callback for init
        private function _onInit( success:*, fail:* ):void
            this._log( "Callback for init 2! success: " + success + ", fail: " + fail );
            this._log( "Success: " + getQualifiedClassName( success ) );
            this._log( "Fail: " + getQualifiedClassName( fail ) );

            var response:FacebookAuthResponse = success as FacebookAuthResponse;
            if ( response != null )
                this._log( "UID: " + response.uid + ", access token: " + response.accessToken );

            this._log( ( success != null ) ? "Logged in" : "Not logged in" );

        // logs into the app if we need to
        private function _login():void
            this._log( "---------- Logging in" );
            Facebook.login( this._onLogin );

        // callback for the login
        private function _onLogin( success:*, fail:* ):void
            this._log( "Callback for _onLogin! success: " + success + ", fail: " + fail );
            this._log( "Success: " + getQualifiedClassName( success ) );
            this._log( "Fail: " + getQualifiedClassName( fail ) );

            var response:FacebookAuthResponse = success as FacebookAuthResponse;
            if ( response != null )
                this._log( "UID: " + response.uid + ", access token: " + response.accessToken );

        // gets our data
        private function _getData():void
            this._log( "---------- getting data with url '/me'" );
            Facebook.api( "/me", this._onGetData );

        // callback for our data
        private function _onGetData( success:*, fail:* ):void
            this._log( "Callback for _onLogin! success: " + success + ", fail: " + fail );
            this._log( "Success: " + getQualifiedClassName( success ) );
            for ( var key:* in success )
                this._log( "  key '" + key + "' = " + success[key] );

            this._log( "Fail: " + getQualifiedClassName( fail ) );

        // logs a message to the console and our textfield
        private function _log( msg:String ):void
            // create our log if needed
            if ( this.m_log == null )
                this.m_log                      = new TextField;
                this.m_log.defaultTextFormat    = this.m_tf;
                this.m_log.border               = true;
                this.m_log.background           = true;
                this.m_log.width                = 700.0;
                this.m_log.height               = 200.0;
                this.m_log.x                    = this.m_input.x;
                this.m_log.y                    = this.m_input.y + this.m_input.height + 5.0;
                this.m_log.wordWrap             = true;
                this.addChild( this.m_log );
            trace( msg );
            this.m_log.appendText( msg + "\n" );



关于facebook - as3-fb-api : how is it possible to have an accesstoken BEFORE Facebook. init(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672527/


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