asynchronous - 骡子3 : async reply w/reply on different main flow thread

标签 asynchronous nonblocking mule

我是 Mule 新手,正在解决一个问题,该问题需要一个流程,将消息发送到 Mule 消息总线,监听器可以接收该流程,以便在工作人员完成时接收成功处理这些消息的通知。主要标准是“调度程序流”不会被阻止继续执行其工作(将其他不同的消息放置在总线上以供潜在的其他监听器使用)。

我有一个测试应用程序,一直在 MuleStudio 中运行(如下),它封装了我想要实现的基础知识,并进行了简化;这是一个非常简单的 2 流应用程序,使用请求-回复来允许第二流将回复发送回主流;这里的主要问题是主流程的线程被阻塞,导致它无法执行任何操作,直到响应返回。有没有办法让响应在主流程的不同线程上返回,或者是否有其他方法可以在给定条件的情况下实现此目的?



<!-- simple Groovy transformer that changes the msg payload to a greeting w/ the current time-->
<scripting:transformer name="toCurrentTime">
    <scripting:script engine="groovy">
        import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

        def DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";    
        def cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_NOW);
        return "Response @ time " + sdf.format(cal.getTime())


    note : neither of the following are allowed on the flow b/c of the request-reply    

<flow name="main" doc:name="main">

    <http:inbound-endpoint ref="httpEventInjector" doc:name="HTTP"/>

    <logger message="starting main flow" level="INFO"/>

    <request-reply storePrefix="mainFlow">  
        <vm:outbound-endpoint path="worker"></vm:outbound-endpoint>
        <vm:inbound-endpoint path="reply"></vm:inbound-endpoint> 

    <!--  processing continues once we get the response on the 'reply' channel above from the worker -->    
    <!--  generate the response for the browser -->    
    <logger message="finishing main flow w/ browser response" level="INFO"/>        
        <transformer ref="toCurrentTime"/>

<flow name="worker" doc:name="worker">      
    <vm:inbound-endpoint path="worker"/>

    <logger message="starting worker task(s) ...." level="INFO"/>

    <scripting:component doc:name="thread-sleep(10s)">
        <scripting:script engine="Groovy">
            System.out.println "about to sleep @ time" + System.currentTimeMillis()
            System.out.println "done sleeping @ time" + System.currentTimeMillis()

    <logger message="finishing up worker task(s) ...." level="INFO"/>


您可以使用延续来实现您想要的目的。我写了一个blog post关于这个话题。

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