google-app-engine - webapp2 jinja2 context_processor

标签 google-app-engine jinja2 webapp2

我正在 GAE、webapp2、jinja2 上构建一个项目,我使用 engineauth用于授权。我需要类似 Django 的 context_processor 的东西,以便在模板中使用来自 webapp2.request 的 session 、用户和其他一些变量。请帮我解决这个问题。




def extra_context(handler, context=None):
    Adds extra context.

    context = context or {}

    # You can load and run various template processors from settings like Django does.
    # I don't do this in my projects because I'm not building yet another framework
    # so I like to keep it simple:

    return dict({'request': handler.request}, **context)

# --- somewhere in response handler ---
def get(self):
    my_context = {}
    template = get_template_somehow()
    self.response.out.write(template.render(**extra_context(self, my_context))


def get_template_globals(handler):
    return {
        'request': handler.request,
        'settings': <...>

class MyHandlerBase(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def render(self, context=None):
        context = context or {}
        globals_ = get_template_globals(self)
        template = jinja_env.get_template(template_name, globals=globals_)

还有其他方法:Context processor using Werkzeug and Jinja2

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