php - API Explorer 不使用 URL 参数

标签 php restler

我创建了一个 RESTful API,其中有一个作为 URL 变量传入的可选参数。当直接从浏览器执行时,它似乎可以正常工作,但是当在 API Explorer 中尝试它时,它会列出参数,但在执行时会忽略它。我不知道从哪里开始解决这个问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。


class actions {

   * LIST available Actions
   * List all the actions that a user (or app) can choose from. The response list  
   * will include [name],[slug/id], and [description] attributes. If you want a more complete set of 
   * meta attributes for the actions then you can specify "meta=all" in the request url. For full spec of
   * response please review LG_actions_list.json.
   * @url GET /available
   * @param $meta {@from url} Optional parameter to control the amount of meta-data passed back. Values are "none","normal", and "all"
  public function available ($meta="normal")
    return "list actions (meta level set to $meta)";


在这种情况下,我可以在 API 资源管理器中输入“all”作为 $meta 的值,但响应仍然是“列出操作(元级别设置为正常)”。


为了阐明此行为,我添加了 API Explorer 输出以及直接调用服务时获得的输出:

enter image description here

相比之下,实际使用 API 时我得到了正确的结果。在 Chrome 中输入:



"list actions (meta level set to foobar)"



  • 可选参数最好留给查询字符串
  • 当您使用 @url 添加手动路由时,不会为该方法添加自动路由


  • 将方法名称更改为 get 以将其映射到类的根
  • 关闭智能自动路由


  • actions.json
  • actions.json/{meta}


class actions {

     * LIST available Actions
     * List all the actions that a user (or app) can choose from. The response list
     * will include [name],[slug/id], and [description] attributes. If you want a more complete set of
     * meta attributes for the actions then you can specify "meta=all" in the request url. For full spec of
     * response please review LG_actions_list.json.
     * @smart-auto-routing false
     * @param $meta Optional parameter to control the amount of meta-data passed back. Values are "none","normal", and "all"
    public function get ($meta="normal")
        return "list actions (meta level set to $meta)";


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