django memcached 设置位置列表有元组吗?

标签 django memcached setting


    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
        'KEY_PREFIX' : 'projectabc:',
        'LOCATION': [
                ('', 1),
                ('', 1),
                ('', 1),
                ('', 1),



在 python-memcached 中,location 最终被发送到此函数。重量参数的存在似乎是多余的(但很有帮助的提醒)。

def set_servers(self, servers):
    Set the pool of servers used by this client.

    @param servers: an array of servers.
    Servers can be passed in two forms:
        1. Strings of the form C{"host:port"}, which implies a default weight of 1.
        2. Tuples of the form C{("host:port", weight)}, where C{weight} is
        an integer weight value.

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