ajax - 剑道网格 : combobox field from json data

标签 ajax combobox kendo-ui


{ field: "category", title: "Category", width: 100, editor: categoryDropDownEditor },


function categoryDropDownEditor(container, options) {
  console.log('used editor')
  $('<input data-text-field="category" data-value-field="category" data-bind="value:'+options.field+'"/>')
      autoBind: false,
      dataSource: {
        type: "json",
        transport: {
          read: "/api/notes/dumpcats"

也在 model.fields 中:

  category: {
    type: "combobox",
    editable: true,
    validation: { required: true }


未捕获类型错误:对象 [object Object] 的属性“_parse”不是函数



问题已解决,正如 Burke Holland 在下面指出的发布答案:

  function categoryDropDownEditor(contrainer, options) {
    $('<input data-text-field="category" data-value-field="category" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>"')
        index: 0,
        placeholder: "Select category",
        dataTextField: "category",
        dataValueField: "category",
        dataSource: {
          transport: {
            read: {
              url: '/api/notes/cats',
              dataType: 'json',
              type: 'GET',
          schema: {
            data: function(reply) {
              return reply.rows

关于ajax - 剑道网格 : combobox field from json data,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14057875/


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