vbscript - 错误: "Invalid root in registry key" with Shell.RegWrite

标签 vbscript registry


CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegWrite "HKLM\Whatever\", "MyValue", "REG_SZ"

我仅在 Windows 8 上遇到 .RegWrite 问题,出现错误:

"Invalid root in registry key".



Call ElevateUAC

' ---------------------------
' my duty task goes here...
' ---------------------------

Sub ElevateUAC
    If Not WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("elevated") Then
        'Launch the script again as administrator
        With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        .ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & _
            WScript.ScriptFullName & """ /elevated", "", "runas", 1
        End With
    End If
End Sub

关于vbscript - 错误: "Invalid root in registry key" with Shell.RegWrite,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14763625/


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