Twitter API 1.1 好友/创建速率限制

标签 twitter

我正在将我的应用程序从 Twitter API 版本 1 迁移到 1.1,并且在友谊/创建方面遇到问题。

根据 1.1 文档 ( ) Friendships/create 没有速率限制,但是当我调用 Friendships/create 时,我可以看到速率限制为 15(根据 'x-rate-limit-limit') .

我在这里做错了什么吗?每个时间窗口的速率限制真的是 15 次关注吗?



I use the twitter gem and when you call follow it first makes a call to friends/ids to make sure you are not already following that member and /friends/ids is limited to 15 calls per window.

the solution was to call follow! (with ! ) instead to avoid the check.


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