c# - 如何从 WPF 中 FlowDocument 的表中的 TableRow 获取 TableCell 值?

标签 c# wpf mouseevent flowdocument tablerow

当在 WPF 中单击行时,我想从 TableRow 获取所有数据。

currentRow = tab.RowGroups[0].Rows[r];
currentRow.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(test);

void test(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
      TableRow tr = sender as TableRow;
      // After that what i do to read TableCell Value

   catch(Exception ex) 




TableRow tr = sender as TableRow;


// I imagine you'd want to start a list here
// that will hold the contents of your loops' results.
List<string> resultsList = new List<string>();
foreach(var tableCell in tr.Cells)
    // May want to start another list here in case there are multiple blocks.
    List<string> blockContent = new List<string>();
    foreach(var block in tableCell.Blocks)
        // Probably want to start another list here to which to add in the next loop.
        List<string> inlineContent = new List<string>();
        foreach(var inline in block.Inlines)
            // Implement whatever in here depending the type of inline,
            // such as Span, Run, InlineUIContainer, etc.
            // I just assumed it was text.
            inlineContent.Add(new TextRange(inline.ContentStart, inline.ContentEnd).Text);
        blockContent.Add(string.Join("", inlineContent.ToArray()));
    resultsList.Add(string.Join("\n", blockContent.ToArray()));

阅读 FlowDocument 层次结构可能是个好主意。一个不错的起点是 MSDN's Documentation .

关于c# - 如何从 WPF 中 FlowDocument 的表中的 TableRow 获取 TableCell 值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15571921/


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