python - NLTK:过滤具有特定结构的句子

标签 python nlp nltk

如何使用NLTK过滤特定结构的句子? 例如,我们有以下上下文无关语法的定义:

  1. S → NP VP
  2. S → Aux NP VP
  3. S → VP
  4. NP → Pronoun
  5. NP → Proper-Noun
  6. NP → Det Nominal
  7. Nominal → Noun
  8. Nominal → Nominal Noun
  9. Nominal → Nominal PP
  10.VP → Verb
  11.VP → Verb NP
  12.VP → VP PP
  13.PP → Prep NP


  1. S → NP VP
  2. S → Aux NP VP
  3. S → VP


I am not much for country music but it has the potential for beauty, with its combined inclusions of comedy and sadness.

我的问题是,我应该如何使用 NLTK 来做到这一点?


应解释您为此所需的一切。基本上,你必须首先对句子进行标记(将其分解为单独的标记),然后用 nltk 识别它们的相应 PoS 来标记它们。


防止 future 错误链接的特定代码:

>>> text = word_tokenize("And now for something completely different")
>>> nltk.pos_tag(text)
[('And', 'CC'), ('now', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('something', 'NN'),
('completely', 'RB'), ('different', 'JJ')]

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