accessibility - 用户应该能够更改字体大小吗?

标签 accessibility zooming font-size user-experience


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WCAG 2.0,guideline 1.4.4 "Resize text"" ,AA级:

Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.

满足此准则的一种方法是使用屏幕截图中的小部件(如果放大到 200%):G178: Providing controls on the Web page that allow users to incrementally change the size of all text on the page up to 200 percent :

The purpose of this technique is to provide a mechanism on the Web page to incrementally increase the size of text. Many people with low vision do not use magnifying software, and they may not be familiar with browsers text size adjustments. This may be particularly true of older people who are learning about computers later in life and who may be experiencing age related vision loss. It may also be true of some people with cognitive disabilities who also require increased font size.

但是,还有其他方法可以满足此准则。例如。如果您的访问者使用提供此功能的用户代理,您不必自己提供该功能:G142: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that support zoom


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