clearcase - 验证 ClearCase 文件是否已正确标记

标签 clearcase label

我的公司使用 ClearTeam Explorer 进行版本控制。有时,当我或同事应用标签时,我们会收到错误消息。今天我的同志得到了

“ClearCase 操作期间发生错误。 CRMAP7009:CCRC 命令“WriteProperties”失败:

CCRC WANServer:错误:无权执行操作“更改事件”。 CCRC WAN 服务器:错误:必须是以下之一:与事件关联的用户、对象所有者、元素所有者、VOB.."



收到此消息,然后发现它似乎已经做了它所说的事情,这真是令人震惊??? - 除非您能够验证每个文件都已正确标记,否则总会有挥之不去的疑问。

早期,我忽略了这个错误并继续为各个版本制作标签。现在,我想验证,因为我有很多 GB 的文件,而且我无法手动验证所有内容。

顺便说一句,我似乎想根据标签的创建日期(可能是几个月前)创建一个 View ,然后用一个脚本来显示任何没有标签的文件。

如果至少其中一个标签标有“所有文件”,则比较 2 个标签之间的文件也可能有效?



According to the above message, you would think the operation failed, correct?

不,有一个 APAR PM79463正在进行中。
(APAR 是 Authorized Program Analysis Report, or APAR, that is: "a formal report to IBM development of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a current release of an IBM program" )

(CTE =“ClearTeam Explorer”)


User tried to apply label to an element on CTE, and error messages were shown although label was applied.

So user tried to apply label to an element on HomeBase in native client after logging in Windows as the same user as user who was used in CTE, and succeeded to apply label without errors.
If executed user is not the owner nor creator of the object but belongs the same group of VOB owner, the issue was occurred on CTE although the operation was succeeded on HomeBase.

Error messages are shown on pop up window as follows.

  CRMAP7009: CCRC command 'WriteProperties' failed:
  CCRC WAN Server Error: no permission to perform operation 'change event'
  CCRC WAN Server Error: Must be one of : user associated with event: 
    object owner, element owner, VOB owner, member of ClearCase group

因此,您可以尝试通过 ClearCase HomeBase gui 放置标签,这看起来更强大。

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