matlab - Matlab中的动态平衡数据结构?

标签 matlab data-structures


I don't think you (or I) can do dynamic data structures 'in' MATLAB. We have to use MATLAB OO features and MATLAB classes. Since I think that these facilities are really a MATLAB wrapper around Java I make the bold claim that those facilities are outside MATLAB. A matter of semantics, I concede. If you want to do dynamic data structures with MATLAB, you have to use OO and classes, you can't do it with what I think of as the core language, which lacks pointers at the user level.


Matlab 中的动态平衡数据结构要求应使用哪种数据结构?


Matlab 的矩阵本质上是动态的。如果您有一个有序数字的向量,并且想要在适当的位置插入一个新的数字(保持向量有序),您只需执行以下操作

[~, ind] = find(number<=vector,1,'first'); % determine where to insert
if isempty(ind), ind = numel(vector)+1; end % in this case, insert at the end
vector = [vector(1:ind-1) number vector(ind:end)]; % do the insert, extending the vector


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