haskell - 无法安装darcsden-1.1(haskel包)

标签 haskell


sudo cabal install darcsden-1.1 


Failed to install hsx-0.10.4
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
HJScript-0.6.1 depends on hsx-0.10.4 which failed to install.
darcs-2.8.4 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
darcsden-1.1 depends on hsx-0.10.4 which failed to install.
hsp-0.7.3 depends on hsx-0.10.4 which failed to install.
hsx-0.10.4 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1



仅供引用,最佳实践通常是不要以 root 身份运行 cabal - 不需要 sudo。另外,请将任何错误消息添加到您的问题中,这样更容易看到它们。您写道:

I tried to install drcsden-1.1 on ubuntu 13.04 with GHC 7.6.3 with sudo cabal install darcsden-1.1

cabal install hsx-0.10.4 -v3 , returns a fail message , below a part of the debug message.

    Constructor `PTuple' should have 2 arguments, but has been given 1
    In the pattern: PTuple ps
    In a case alternative: PTuple ps -> concatMap gatherPVars ps

我在使用 ghc 7.6.3 安装 hsx-0.10.4 时没有看到这个问题。所以我查看了有问题的来源。我看不到 PTuple 来自哪里,所以我在 Hayoo 上搜索它(不是 Hoogle,因为我不知道它来自哪个包。)这表明它是在 haskell-src-exts 中定义的,而且确实已经更新了最近。比较 1.13.5 中的 PTuple 定义和 1.14.0 .

因此,要解决 hsx 问题:将 --constraint haskell-src-exts==1.13.5 添加到 cabal 安装命令中。要修复它,请要求 hsx 维护者更新 hsx 和/或其 haskell-src-exts 依赖项边界。

关于haskell - 无法安装darcsden-1.1(haskel包),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18623640/


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