macos - 通过 AppleScript 安装 SMB 驱动器

标签 macos bash applescript

我编写了一个 AppleScript 应用程序,它运行“mount -t smbfs”命令来安装我们员工使用的 Windows 共享驱动器。



-- Teaching Drive Access

--Get The Shortname and PC Password of current user 
--set PCusername to (short user name of (system info))
set PCusername to "benstaff"
--set PCPassword to text returned of (display dialog "What's your PC Password?" default answer "" with title "T Drive" with icon stop with hidden answer)

--Create Sharepoint on Desktop
set FolderTarget to (path to desktop folder as text) & "DoNotUseTeachingDrive"

    FolderTarget as alias
on error
    do shell script "mkdir /Users/" & PCusername & "/Desktop/DoNotUseTeachingDrive/"
end try

set mountcommand to "mount -t smbfs "
set mountuser to "//" & PCusername & ":" & PCPassword
set mountuser to "//" & PCusername & ":" & PCPassword
set mountvolume to "@ncs-srv-fs3.ncs.local/Teaching"
set machomepath to "/Users/" & PCusername & "/Desktop/DoNotUseTeachingDrive/"

set mountwindowshome to mountcommand & mountuser & mountvolume & " " & machomepath as string
do shell script mountwindowshome

mountwindowshome 的完整输出是:

mount -t smbfs //mystaff:PE91XA!!@@ncs-srv-fs3.ncs.local/Teaching /Users/mystaff/Desktop/DoNotUseTeachingDrive/




根据this site ,您必须对特殊字符使用 url 转义。对于 @ 字符,它是 %40,这会将挂载行变成这样:

mount -t smbfs //mystaff:PE91XA!!%<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="487c7808262b3b653b3a3e652e3b7b66262b3b6624272b2924" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>/Teaching /Users/mystaff/Desktop/DoNotUseTeachingDrive/

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