
标签 sql sql-server-2008 encoding character-encoding sql-insert

我正在使用 sql 2008 r2 我正在尝试用阿拉伯语插入一些值

insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num ) values ('مديرية الزراعة/التقانة','235767')
insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num) values ('محمد  راتب ابازيد','227927')
insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num) values ('فادي مصطفى ابازيد','221355')


select * from tbl_number
number_num            number_ownerName 
235767          ?????? ???????/??????? 
227927                  ????  ???? ??????    
221355                  ???? ????? ??????     


我认为您正在寻找 NCHAR 这是 NATIONAL CHAR,存储为 UTF-16LE,是可靠存储非 ASCII 字符的唯一方法。

Fixed-length Unicode string data. n defines the string length and must be a value from 1 through 4,000. The storage size is two times n bytes. When the collation code page uses double-byte characters, the storage size is still n bytes. Depending on the string, the storage size of n bytes can be less than the value specified for n. The ISO synonyms for nchar are national char and national character..

另请注意,SQL Server 不支持 UTF-8。



正如评论所述,您可以在插入时添加 N。尝试这样:

insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num ) values (N'مديرية الزراعة/التقانة','235767') 
insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num) values (N'محمد راتب ابازيد','227927') 
insert into tbl_number (number_ownerName , number_num) values (N'فادي مصطفى ابازيد','221355')

关于sql字符编码非英文字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20438922/


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