cakephp - CakePHP Controller 中的 add 方法不起作用

标签 cakephp addition cakephp-2.4

当我尝试在这个 Controller 中包含新内容时,他没有运行保存选项并返回错误消息,因为我使用 print_r 函数检查 $ this-> request-> data,并且正在传递正确的参数。下面是代码:

Controller /CanvasController.php:

class CanvasController extends AppController {
    public $name = 'Canvas';
    function beforeFilter() {
        //$this -> layout = 'dialog';
        $this -> layout = 'default-original';

    public function index() {
        $this -> set('Canvas', $this -> Canvas -> find('all'));

    public function add() {
        if ($this -> request -> is('post')) {
            if ($this -> Canvas -> save($this -> request -> data)) {
                $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('The Canvas has been saved'));
                $this -> redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
            } else {
                $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('The Canvas could not be saved. Please, try again.'));

    public function edit($id = null) {
        $this -> Canvas -> id = $id;
        if ($this -> request -> is('get')) {
            $this -> request -> data = $this -> Canvas -> read();
        } else if ($this -> Canvas -> save($this -> request -> data)) {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash('Canvas updated.');
            $this -> redirect(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'index'));

    public function delete($id = null) {
        if (!$this -> request -> is('post')) {
            throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
        $this -> Canvas -> id = $id;
        if (!$this -> Canvas -> exists()) {
            throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid.'));
        if ($this -> Canvas -> delete($id)) {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash('The Canvas with id: ' . $id . ' has been deleted.');
            $this -> redirect(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'index'));
        $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('Canvas was deleted.'));
        $this -> redirect(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'index'));


class Canvas extends AppModel {
    public $name = 'Canvas';

    public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
        'users' => array(
            'classname' => 'Users',
            'foreignkey' => 'canvas_id',
            'joinTable' => 'canvas_has_users'

    public $hasMany = array(
        'CanvasContents' => array(
            'classname' => 'CanvasContents',
            'foreignKey' => 'canvas_id'

    public $validate = array(
        'name' => array(
            'required' => array(
                'rule' => array(
                'message' => 'A name is required'


<?php echo $this -> Form -> create('Canvas'); ?>
    <?php   echo $this -> Form -> input('name'); ?>
    <?php   echo $this -> Form -> input('description'); ?>
<?php   echo $this -> Form -> end('Submit');?>

SQL 代码:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sistema`.`canvas` (
    `name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    `description` TEXT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`))
    ENGINE = InnoDB



public function add() {
    if ($this -> request -> is('post')) {
        $this->Canvas->create(); // **** ADD This missing call ****
        if ($this -> Canvas -> save($this -> request -> data)) {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('The Canvas has been saved'));
            $this -> redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
        } else {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('The Canvas could not be saved. Please, try again.'));

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