php - 如何在php中一次点击打印一个数组

标签 php arrays primes



$primes = array();
for ($x = 2; $x <= 1000; $x++) {
    $xIsPrime = TRUE;
    $sqrtX = sqrt($x);
    foreach ($primes as $prime) if ($prime > $sqrtX || ((!($x % $prime)) && (!$xIsPrime = FALSE))) break;
    if ($xIsPrime) echo ($primes[] = $x)  . "<br>";


这些事情最好用 Javascript 来完成,但是,由于您的问题被标记为 PHP,所以我编写了以下代码:

$primes = array(2,   3,   5,   7,  11,  13,  17,  19,  23,  29, 
               31,  37,  41,  43,  47,  53,  59,  61,  67,  71, 
               73,  79,  83,  89,  97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 
              127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173);
// Add as many primes as you wish to the array
$num = array_key_exists("hid", $_POST) ? $_POST["hid"]+1 : 0;
<!-- Put your meta tags, title, Javascript and CSS here -->
<form method="POST">
<h2><?php print($primes[$num]); ?></h2>
if(sizeof($primes)-$num > 1){
<input type="hidden" name="hid" value="<?php print($num); ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Next Prime"/>
<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Next Prime" disabled/>

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