shell - ksh 中管道命令行的退出状态

标签 shell pipe ksh

bash 中,从环境变量 $PIPESTATUS 我们可以检索管道命令行的退出状态,如下所示。

$ echo "some string" | grep x | tee some.tmp ; echo ${PIPESTATUS[1]}

但是,如果我使用 ksh,我需要像下面这样的操作来获取退出状态。我搜索它得到如下所示的内容。

$ getme=`((echo "some string" | grep x 3>&- 4>&- ; echo $? >&4) | tee some.tmp 1>&3 3>&- 4>&- ) 4>&1` ; echo $getme

$ getme=`((echo "some string " | grep me 3>&- 4>&- ; echo $? >&4) | tee some.tmp 1>&3 3>&- 4>&- ) 4>&1` ; echo $getme

ksh 中是否有比上述形式更简单的形式来检索管道命令行中的退出状态?以及如何解释上面的行。我对 subshel​​l 和 4 作为描述符的用法知之甚少。 重定向部分有点难以解释


$? 不适合?

echo "some string" | grep x | tee some.tmp ; echo "Returncode: $?"




Unless contained in a || or && command, or the commandfollowing an if while or until command or in the pipeline following !, if a command has a non-zero exit status, execute the ERR trap, if set, and exit. This mode is disabled while reading profiles.

-o pipefail

A pipeline will not complete until all components of the pipeline have completed, and the return value will be the value of the last non-zero command to fail or zero if no command has failed.

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