monitoring - 将时间序列与 Graphite 关联起来

标签 monitoring time-series graphite

Graphite 是否有办法可视化两个时间序列之间的相关性?


time series correlation

this SlideShare presentation其中提到了关联数据转换函数(幻灯片 11),但我找不到有关它的文档。


在 Graphite 中显示事件的技巧是对红色指标应用 drawAsInfinite() 函数。这会在事件发生时将事件显示为垂直线。



"..what if we want to directly correlate the activity between now and the same time two weeks ago? This is where the timeShift() function comes in. Let's take a look at the same 4-week period, but this time we'll review two weeks of current data and overlay it with a time-shifted span of the two weeks prior."

Source .

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