emacs - 在 emacs 中突出显示 Julia 代码

标签 emacs julia

我想在 emacs 中编写 julialang 代码。有没有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点,例如,当您编写Python代码时(所有这些保留字的颜色和缩进)?




使用该行(克隆后 https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/wiki/Julia ):

(load "/path-to-ESS/ESS/lisp/ess-site.el")

Julia 也在我的路上。尽管如此,emacs 仍无法识别 Julia 代码


我认为这可能会有所帮助。看来是 emacs 对 Julia 的支持。

emacs-ess / ESS


ESS support for julia language, among other things, includes font-lock, indentation, sending code to sub-process, interactive documentation, imenu, completion and eldoc.


To start julia type M-x julia RET. You can start multiple julia processes if you so desire.

To autostart or switch form script to julia subprocess use C-c C-z. To switch from process buffer to the most recent script buffer also use C-c C-z. To associate a buffer with a different julia process press C-c C-s.


To send chunks of code from your script use C-c C-c, C-M-x, C-RET etc. To load the whole file: C-c C-l. See evaluating code section in ESS manual. (tip: look up the documentation string of these commands with for example C-h k C-c C-c)


To access documentation for any help topic or object use C-c C-d C-d. To call apropos: C-c C-d C-a. To look up for a topic in julia standard library reference: C-c C-d C-r. To look up a topic in the julia manual: C-c C-d m. To search julia website: C-c C-d C-w.

To see all help commands defined in ess-doc-map: C-c C-d C-h. See Help section in ESS documentation.

关于emacs - 在 emacs 中突出显示 Julia 代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22645390/


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