jsp - 覆盖 jar META-INF/resources 中的 JSP 文件不可预测

标签 jsp maven resources taglib meta-inf

我正在构建一个模块化的 Web 应用程序,其中有一些 Spring 组件打包在 jar 依赖项(不同的模块)中。该 jar 还包含一些 JSP 资源,例如:

 - Module
     + src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/module/*.jsp

Now I want to override a specific JSP using the following structure in my application.

 - App
     + src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/module/menu.jsp

When running the application using tomcat7:run it will sometimes show the overridden menu.jsp but will any subsequent runs will end up with the old one.

Running with tomcat7:run-war was more promising. Most of the runs the new menu.jsp is shown. But when deploying the application to another Tomcat 7 instance the old menu is visible once again.

The menu.jsp is include using pageContext.include("/module/menu.jsp"); which is called by a custom tag.

How can I make this overriding of resources more reliable? I'm totally clueless since it seems to be randomly working. I hope somebody can shed some light here.

Not sure if this is relevant but to be able to use component scanning I need to unpack the jar classes with the following plugin configuration.




- App
     + src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/module/menu.jsp


- App
     + src/main/webapp/module/menu.jsp


关于jsp - 覆盖 jar META-INF/resources 中的 JSP 文件不可预测,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24220328/


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