performance - Fortran 中取消引用类属性的速度

标签 performance methods properties fortran dereference


当我在 Fortran 中的某些自定义类型/类中创建某些方法时,是否会因引用/取消引用对象的字段而导致性能下降,例如 this%a(i) = this%b(i) + this %c(i) 与仅使用像 a(i) = b(i) + c(i)



例如,我有一个函数,它应该在 3D 网格上插入一个值,这确实对性能至关重要(它将在其他 3D 数组上的三重循环内调用)。所以我在想是否更好(为了性能)使用类的方法,或者更确切地说,创建一个以数组作为参数的普通子例程。

type grid3D                                         ! 3D grid maps of observables
  real,    dimension (3) :: Rmin, Rmax, Rspan, step ! grid size and spacing (x,y,z)
  integer, dimension (3) :: N                       ! dimension in x,y,z
  real, dimension (3,:, :, :), allocatable :: f     ! array storing values of othe observable
    procedure :: interpolate => grid3D_interpolate
end type grid3D

function grid3D_interpolate(this, R ) result(ff)
 implicit none
  ! variables
  class (grid3D) :: this
  real, dimension (3), intent (in)   :: R
  real :: ff
  integer ix0,iy0,iz0
  integer ix1,iy1,iz1
  real dx,dy,dz
  real mx,my,mz
  ! function body
  ix0 = int( (R(1)/this%step(1)) + fastFloorOffset ) - fastFloorOffset
  iy0 = int( (R(2)/this%step(2)) + fastFloorOffset ) - fastFloorOffset
  iz0 = int( (R(3)/this%step(3)) + fastFloorOffset ) - fastFloorOffset
  dx = R(1) - x0*this%step(1)
  dy = R(2) - y0*this%step(2)
  dz = R(3) - z0*this%step(3)
  ix0 = modulo( x0   , this%N(1) )+1
  iy0 = modulo( y0   , this%N(2) )+1
  iz0 = modulo( z0   , this%N(3) )+1
  ix1 = modulo( x0+1 , this%N(1) )+1
  iy1 = modulo( y0+1 , this%N(2) )+1
  iz1 = modulo( z0+1 , this%N(3) )+1
  ff =    mz*(my*(mx*this%f(ix0,iy0,iz0)     &
                 +dx*this%f(ix1,iy0,iz0))    &
             +dy*(mx*this%f(ix0,iy1,iz0)     &
                 +dx*this%f(ix1,iy1,iz0)))   &
         +dz*(my*(mx*this%f(ix0,iy0,iz1)     &
                 +dx*this%f(ix1,iy0,iz1))    &
             +dy*(mx*this%f(ix0,iy1,iz1)     &
  end if
end function grid3D_interpolate

end module T_grid3Dvec



  • 只要你的代码结构(对于编译器来说)非常清晰,它就可以很容易地对其进行优化。
  • 一旦您的 OOP 结构变得过于复杂,或者取消引用的级别变得太大,您可能会通过手动取消引用方案获得一些改进。 (我经常使用它,尽管通常是为了让我的代码保持可读性。但我曾经在这里有过一点改进,但​​代码使用了 >5 个级别的取消引用。)


module vec_mod
  implicit none

  type t_vector
    real :: x = 0.
    real :: y = 0.
    real :: z = 0.
  end type

  type t_group
    type(t_vector),allocatable :: vecs(:)
  end type


  subroutine sum_vec( vecs, res )
    implicit none
    type(t_vector),intent(in)   :: vecs(:)
    type(t_vector),intent(out)  :: res
    integer                     :: i

    res%x = 0. ; res%y = 0. ; res%z = 0.

    do i=1,size(vecs)
      res%x = res%x + vecs(i)%x
      res%y = res%y + vecs(i)%y
      res%z = res%z + vecs(i)%z
  end subroutine

  subroutine sum_vec_ptr( vecs, res )
    implicit none
    type(t_vector),intent(in),target   :: vecs(:)
    type(t_vector),intent(out)         :: res
    integer                            :: i
    type(t_vector),pointer             :: curVec

    res%x = 0. ; res%y = 0. ; res%z = 0.

    do i=1,size(vecs)
      curVec => vecs(i)
      res%x = res%x + curVec%x
      res%y = res%y + curVec%y
      res%z = res%z + curVec%z
  end subroutine

  subroutine sum_vecGrp( vecGrp, res )
    implicit none
    type(t_group),intent(in)    :: vecGrp
    type(t_vector),intent(out)  :: res
    integer                     :: i

    res%x = 0. ; res%y = 0. ; res%z = 0.

    do i=1,size(vecGrp%vecs)
      res%x = res%x + vecGrp%vecs(i)%x
      res%y = res%y + vecGrp%vecs(i)%y
      res%z = res%z + vecGrp%vecs(i)%z
  end subroutine

  subroutine sum_vecGrp_ptr( vecGrp, res )
    implicit none
    type(t_group),intent(in),target    :: vecGrp
    type(t_vector),intent(out)         :: res
    integer                            :: i
    type(t_vector),pointer             :: curVec, vecs(:)

    res%x = 0. ; res%y = 0. ; res%z = 0.

    vecs => vecGrp%vecs
    do i=1,size(vecs)
      curVec => vecs(i)
      res%x = res%x + curVec%x
      res%y = res%y + curVec%y
      res%z = res%z + curVec%z
  end subroutine
end module

program test
  use omp_lib
  use vec_mod
  use,intrinsic :: ISO_Fortran_env
  implicit none
  type(t_vector),allocatable :: vecs(:)
  type(t_vector)             :: res
  type(t_group)              :: vecGrp
  integer,parameter          :: N=100000000
  integer                    :: i, stat
  real(REAL64)               :: t1, t2

  allocate( vecs(N), vecGrp%vecs(N), stat=stat )
  if (stat /= 0) stop 'Cannot allocate memory'

  do i=1,N
    call random_number(vecs(i)%x)
    call random_number(vecs(i)%y)
    call random_number(vecs(i)%z)

  print *,''
  print *,'1 Level'
  t1 = omp_get_wtime()
  call sum_vec( vecs, res )
  print *,res
  t2 = omp_get_wtime()
  print *,'Normal  [s]:', t2-t1

  t1 = omp_get_wtime()
  call sum_vec_ptr( vecs, res )
  print *,res
  t2 = omp_get_wtime()
  print *,'Pointer [s]:', t2-t1

  print *,''
  print *,'2 Levels'
  vecGrp%vecs = vecs

  t1 = omp_get_wtime()
  call sum_vecGrp( vecGrp, res )
  print *,res
  t2 = omp_get_wtime()
  print *,'Normal  [s]:', t2-t1

  t1 = omp_get_wtime()
  call sum_vecGrp_ptr( vecGrp, res )
  print *,res
  t2 = omp_get_wtime()
  print *,'Pointer [s]:', t2-t1

end program

使用默认选项(gfortran test.F90 -fopenmp)编译,手动取消引用对三有一点好处,特别是对于两级取消引用:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./a.out 

 1 Level
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Normal  [s]:  0.69216769299237058     
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Pointer [s]:  0.67321390099823475     

 2 Levels
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Normal  [s]:  0.84902219301147852     
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Pointer [s]:  0.71247501399193425   

一旦打开优化(gfortran test.F90 -fopenmp -O3),您可以看到编译器实际上自动做得更好:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./a.out 

 1 Level
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Normal  [s]:  0.13888958499592263     
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Pointer [s]:  0.19099253200693056     

 2 Levels
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Normal  [s]:  0.13436777899914887     
   16777216.0       16777216.0       16777216.0    
 Pointer [s]:  0.21104205500159878   

关于performance - Fortran 中取消引用类属性的速度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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