- 在 C# WebApi/MVC 项目中,用 F# 创建的类序列化不正确

标签 f#

我在 FSharp 中创建了一个类,如下所示:

type Account() = class
    let mutable amount = 0m
    let mutable number = 0
    let mutable holder = ""

    member this.Number
        with get () = number
        and set (value) = number <- value

    member this.Holder
        with get () = holder
        and set (value) = holder <- value

    member this.Amount
        with get () = amount
        and set (value) = amount <- value


当我像这样从 C# WebAPI/MVC 应用程序引用项目时

public Account Index()
    var account = new Account();
    account.Amount = 100;
    account.Holder = "Homer";
    account.Number = 1;
    return account;


<Account xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

当我像这样在 C# 中创建类似的类时

public class NewAccount
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public String Holder { get; set; }
    public int Amount { get; set; }


<NewAccount xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

我首先以为它是 Json Serializer(我认为默认为 Newtonsoft),但是当我在 Controller 中进行中断时,我看到 C# 类仅公开其公共(public)属性,而 F# 类同时具有 Property和暴露的背景场。我尝试在 F# let 语句中添加“private”关键字,但得到了以下结果:

Error   1   Multiple visibility attributes have been specified for this identifier. 'let' bindings in classes are always private, as are any 'let' bindings inside expressions. 

那么有没有一种方法可以让 Web Api 中的 F# 类与 C# 类一样对待?


关于 - 在 C# WebApi/MVC 项目中,用 F# 创建的类序列化不正确,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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