AngularJS 代理指令

标签 angularjs interface proxy directive facade


<x-field x-purpose="choice" x-values="data.countries" ng-model=""/>

其中 field 指令将其转发到另一个指令,导致以下替换:

<x-choiceField x-values="data.countries" ng-model=""/>

[注意:] ng-model 可以替换为对某些新的隔离范围的引用。

“字段目的”指令根据有多少个值可供选择、客户端设备大小等来决定使用哪种实现(例如下拉/列表框/自动完成?) - 最终结果如下:

<select ng-model="" ng-options="data.countries">

这个设计很大程度上是出于好奇,而不是出于任何实际原因,我感兴趣的是如何实现它,而不是从性能/简单性的 Angular 来看它是否实际上是一个好主意......

阅读后[] ,我有这样的东西:

function proxyDirective($injector, $parse, element) {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        var target = element.camelCase( + '-field');
        var model = attrs.ngModel;
        var value = $parse(model);
        var directive = $injector.get(target);
        /* Bind ngModel to new isolated scope "value" property */
        scope.$watch(model, function () {
        /* Generate new directive element */
        var pElement = angular.element.html('');
        var pAttrs = {
            value: ???
        /* Forward to new directive */
        return directive.compile(element, attrs, null)(scope, element, attrs);

function alphaFieldDirective() {
    return {
        replace: 'true',
        template: '<input type="text" ng-value="forwarded value?">'

function betaFieldDirective() {
    return {
        replace: 'true',
        template: '<textarea attributes? >{{ value }}</textarea>'

但我不知道如何实现转发或绑定(bind)。这是我第一次研究 Angular 指令,它似乎并不是一种特别流行的使用方式!




fiddle :


<body ng-app="myApp">
    <h1>Directive proxying</h1>
    <proxy target="bold" text="Bold text"></proxy>
    <h1>Attribute forwarding</h1>
    <proxy target="italic" style="color: red;" text="Red, italic text"></proxy>


angular.module('myApp', [])
    .factory('directiveProxyService', directiveProxyService)
    .directive('proxy', dirProxy)
    .directive('bold', boldDirective)
    .directive('italic', italicDirective)

function directiveProxyService($compile) {
    return function (target, scope, element, attrs, ignoreAttrs) {
        var forward = angular.element('<' + target + '/>');
        /* Move attributes over */
            .omit(ignoreAttrs || [])
            .omit('class', 'id')
            .omit(function (val, key) { return key.charAt(0) === '$'; })
            .each(function (val, key) {
                forward.attr(attrs.$attr[key], val);
        return forward;

function dirProxy(directiveProxyService) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        terminal: true,
        priority: 1000000,
        replace: true,
        template: '<span></span>',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            directiveProxyService(, scope, element, attrs, ['target']);

function boldDirective() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<i>{{ text }}</i>',
        scope: { text: '@' }

function italicDirective() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<i>{{ text }}</i>',
        scope: { text: '@' }

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