php - 干 : how to use this code in several entities accross Symfony2 project? 特征?

标签 php symfony lifecycle traits

我有一段重复的代码,将在我的 Symfony2 项目中的多个实体中使用,因此应用某种 DRY 就可以了,当然如果可能的话,我正在考虑 PHP Traits .

private static $preDeletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities due to deletion.
private static $deletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities that were deleted (well, at least the SQL was thrown).

 * This callback will be called on the preRemove event
 * @ORM\PreRemove
public function entityDueToDeletion()
    // This entity is due to be deleted though not deleted yet.
    self::$preDeletedEntities[] = $this->getId();

 * This callback will be called in the postRemove event
 * @ORM\PostRemove
public function entityDeleted()
    // The SQL to delete the entity has been issued. Could fail and trigger the rollback in which case the id doesn't get stored in the array.
    self::$deletedEntities[] = $this->getId();

public static function getDeletedEntities()
    return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, 0, count(self::$deletedEntities));

public static function getNotDeletedEntities()
    return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, count(self::$deletedEntities)+1, count(self::$preDeletedEntities));

public static function getFailedToDeleteEntity()
    if(count(self::$preDeletedEntities) == count(self::$deletedEntities)) {
        return NULL; // Everything went ok

    return self::$preDeletedEntities[count(self::$deletedEntities)]; // We return the id of the entity that failed.

public static function prepareArrays()
    self::$preDeletedEntities = array();
    self::$deletedEntities = array();


use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
trait DeleteLifeCycleCallbacksTrait
    // write things here



@Cerad 用户那里得到一些想法,并且正如文档所说,生命周期事件监听器比简单的生命周期回调功能强大得多,然后我将开始使用它们。

因此,首先,这个生命周期回调|监听器|订阅者的目的是存储每个持久对象的 ID,以便我可以以某种方式获取它并从 Controller 发送回 View 。作为一个简单的视觉示例,假设我从 View 向 Controller 发送这个值数组 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ,由于某些 X 原因,只有 1 ,4 和 5持久化(意味着从数据库中完全删除)到数据库,对吗?

我们还要说,我将在 Producto 实体中使用事件监听器。因此,如果不进行测试而仅从示例中获取代码,则 Listener 的代码应该如下所示:

use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
use Entity\Producto;

class StoreDeletedIds
    private $deletedItems = []; 

    public function postDelete(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
        $entity = $args->getEntity();
        $entityManager = $args->getEntityManager();

        if ($entity instanceof Producto) {
            array_push($deletedItems, $entity->getId());


  • 上面的代码可以吗?
  • 每次 Doctrine 调用监听器时,$deletedItems 都会被清理吗?
  • 如何返回 $deletedItems 以便在 Controller 上捕获它并将其发送回 View ?
  • 我还需要定义订阅者吗?为什么?




use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; // not so sure if this is need here

abstract class DeleteLifeCycleCallbacks
    private static $preDeletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities due to deletion.
    private static $deletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities that were deleted (well, at least the SQL was thrown).

     * This callback will be called on the preRemove event
     * @ORM\PreRemove
    public function entityDueToDeletion()
        // This entity is due to be deleted though not deleted yet.
        self::$preDeletedEntities[] = $this->getId();

     * This callback will be called in the postRemove event
     * @ORM\PostRemove
    public function entityDeleted()
        // The SQL to delete the entity has been issued. Could fail and trigger the rollback in which case the id doesn't get stored in the array.
        self::$deletedEntities[] = $this->getId();

    public static function getDeletedEntities()
        return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, 0, count(self::$deletedEntities));

    public static function getNotDeletedEntities()
        return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, count(self::$deletedEntities)+1, count(self::$preDeletedEntities));

    public static function getFailedToDeleteEntity()
        if(count(self::$preDeletedEntities) == count(self::$deletedEntities)) {
            return NULL; // Everything went ok

        return self::$preDeletedEntities[count(self::$deletedEntities)]; // We return the id of the entity that failed.

    public static function prepareArrays()
        self::$preDeletedEntities = array();
        self::$deletedEntities = array();


 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
class Producto extends Model\DeleteLifeCycleCallbacks
    // entity methods and properties here

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