visual-studio-2013 - 打开解决方案之前卸载项目

标签 visual-studio-2013

我需要打开一个包含数百个项目的解决方案。然而,我只需要在任何给定时间加载大约十个这样的项目。当我在加载该解决方案的情况下采取任何操作时,该解决方案的庞大规模会导致 Visual Studio 停止或崩溃。





Decrease solution loading and re-compilation times dramatically by filtering projects not relevant for the current development task.

Large solutions which contain a significant amount of code or projects may be time consuming for Visual Studio in loading and compiling the solution code. In most cases however, we do not need all the source code contained by a Visual Studio solution. We usually work on one or two aspects or features of the application and after completing them, move to the next one. Funnel allows an in-time selective loading of solution parts. It improves the performance for loading and compiling your projects dramatically.

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