r - 如何将列传递给arrange()和mutate()

标签 r dplyr

我想要一个使用 dplyr 且类似于下面的 AddPercentColumns() 的函数。

AddPercentColumns <- function(df, col) {
    # Sorts and adds "Percent" and "Cumulative Percent" columns to a data.frame.
    # Args:
    #   df: data frame
    #   col: column symbol
    # Returns:
    #   Data frame sorted by "col" with new "Percent" and "Cumulative Percent" columns.

    df %>%
        arrange(desc(col)) %>%
        mutate(Percent = col / sum(col) * 100) %>% 
        mutate(Cumulative = cumsum(Percent))

但是,我无法理解如何解决 NSE。我可能会传入一个列名字符串并使用 arrange_()mutate_(),但是我不确定如何处理 desc() sum()cumsum()



根据 Konrad 的建议,我将发布另一个不断发展的解决方案。 :)

AddPercentColumns <- function(df, col) {
    # Sorts data.frame and adds "Percent" and "Cumulative Percent" columns.
    # Args:
    #   df: data frame
    #   col: unevaluated column symbol e.g. substitute(col)
    # Returns:
    #   Data frame sorted by "col" with new "Percent" and "Cumulative Percent" columns.

    df %>%
        arrange_(bquote(desc(.(col)))) %>%
        mutate_(Percent = bquote(.(col) / sum(.(col)) * 100)) %>% 
        mutate(Cumulative = cumsum(Percent))


关于r - 如何将列传递给arrange()和mutate(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29310354/


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