gwt - 如何本地化用作 vaadin 富文本区域工具提示的文本?

标签 gwt vaadin vaadin7

official documentation他们建议使用 css 来本地化 vaadin 富文本区域的工具提示,它说:

Localizing RichTextArea Toolbars

The rich text area is one of the few components in Vaadin that contain textual labels. The selection boxes in the toolbar are in English and currently can not be localized in any other way than by inheriting or reimplementing the client-side VRichTextToolbar widget. The buttons can be localized simply with CSS by downloading a copy of the toolbar background image, editing it, and replacing the default toolbar. The toolbar is a single image file from which the individual button icons are picked, so the order of the icons is different from the rendered. The image file depends on the client-side implementation of the toolbar.

.v-richtextarea-richtextexample .gwt-ToggleButton
.gwt-Image {
  background-image: url(img/richtextarea-toolbar-fi.png)

我已经下载了工具栏背景图像。 我的问题是如何本地化用于富文本区域工具栏工具提示的字符串?或者是否有任何 vaadin 插件可以用来替代具有语言本地化功能的富文本区域?


尝试 Vaadin Addon - CK Editor 的包装器.


您可以在 official CKEditor site 上找到更多信息.

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