braintree - 为什么 transaction_disbursed webhook 被弃用?

标签 braintree

在记录 webhook 的页面上,例如 webhook 被列为已弃用:


If your merchant account is associated with a participating bank then we will send you this Webhook once a transaction has been marked for disbursement (meaning it will leave our bank account today). You will only see this option in the Webhooks section of the Control Panel if you have an eligible merchant account.



  1. 为什么它被弃用?
  2. Braintree 打算删除 Webhook 吗?
  3. 有效果吗?目前,如果我订阅了 webhook,每次交易我能可靠地收到一次吗?
  4. 如果我使用它,我应该使用什么来代替?通常,当技术产品中的某个功能被标记为已弃用时,文档会建议采用替代方法,但目前情况并非如此。我想立即知道交易何时支付,以便我可以向客户提供已付款的商品;如果不是通过 webhook,我应该通过什么流程来执行此操作?我是否最好有一个守护程序来循环轮询事务 API?为什么?


我在布伦特里工作。如果您有更多问题,最好的办法是 reach out to our support team 。我建议我们向已弃用的 webhook 添加一条明确的消息,告诉我们该怎么做。

该 webhook 已替换为 disbursement webhook :

If your merchant account is associated with a participating bank, then we will send you this Webhook once we have sent a disbursement to your account (meaning it will leave our bank account today). You will only see this option in the Webhooks section of the Control Panel if you have an eligible merchant account. The difference between this and a Transaction Disbursed Webhook is that this is sent per merchant account per day, rather than per transaction. See the Disbursement Details section for more information.

请注意,虽然 transaction_disbursed webhook 每笔交易发送一次,但支付是每天批量进行的,因此针对 transaction_disbursed webhook 进行集成不会让您了解支付情况快点。此外,transaction_disbursed webhook 将来可能会被删除。没有理由针对它进行集成,您也不应该这样做。

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