textbox - UWP/WinRT : How to make the tab key behave as normal in a TextBox?

标签 textbox windows-runtime c++-cx uwp

默认情况下,文本框不插入制表符。当您按 Tab 时,会将焦点移至下一个元素。当您按 Ctrl-Tab 时,它会插入一个制表符。

如何修复此行为,使其像人们通常期望文本框的行为一样,例如 Tab 键使用制表符插入缩进?此外,如何将 Ctrl-Tab 重新映射到替代功能?

对于插入制表符的第一个问题,我可以附加到 TextBox 的 KeyDown 事件,如果按下的键是 Tab,则将该事件标记为已处理以防止 TextBox 失去焦点,但是如何插入 Tab性格?

当我附加到文本框的 KeyDown 事件时,如果已经按住 Ctrl 键,则按 Tab 键根本不会触发监听器。如果我附加到 TextBox 的 KeyUp 事件,按下 Tab 键确实会被拾取,但前提是它已经将选项卡插入到 TextBox 中。如何重新映射 Ctrl-Tab 而不发生这种不需要的行为?

我正在使用 C++/CX 工作。



总体思路是重写 Tab 的 KeyDown 事件以插入“\t”字符。如果能够覆盖 Ctrl+Tab 的 KeyDown 事件,那就太好了,但这似乎不可能,因为 TextBox 上的某种硬编码吞没了 Ctrl+Tab KeyDown 事件,并且它甚至永远不会触发。因此,Ctrl+Tab 的 KeyUp 事件被覆盖。

KeyDown(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    if (e->Key == VirtualKey::Control) m_CtrlKeyPressed = true;
    else if (e->Key == VirtualKey::Tab) {
        // There is no need to test for if Ctrl is pressed here, since Ctrl-Tab appears to
        // be hardcoded into TextBox.
        // When Ctrl is pressed, a KeyDown event for Tab is never fired by TextBox.

        // Normally TextBox will try to give up focus when Tab is pressed - this prevents
        // that.
        e->Handled = true;

        // Platform::Strings support almost no operations, so we will need to cast the
        // TextBox's text into a wstring to insert.
        TextBox^ textBox = static_cast<TextBox^>(sender);
        std::wstring modifiedString(textBox->Text->Data());

        // SelectionStart works as current cursor position even when no text is selected.
        int cursorPosition = textBox->SelectionStart;

        // Unfortunately, casting into a wstring reveals Windows line-endings as \r\n,
        // which count as two characters now.
        // Therefore, every time we run into a line-ending our cursorPosition will become
        // off by one, so we need to compensate.
        int offsetDueToLineEndings = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cursorPosition + offsetDueToLineEndings; i++)
            if (modifiedString[i] == '\r') offsetDueToLineEndings++;
        modifiedString.insert(cursorPosition + offsetDueToLineEndings, 1, '\t');

        // Unfortunately, this text replacement wipes TextBox's built-in undo data.
        textBox->Text = ref new String(modifiedString.c_str());
        textBox->SelectionStart = cursorPosition + 1;

KeyUp(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    if (e->Key == VirtualKey::Control) m_CtrlKeyPressed = false;
    else if (m_CtrlKeyPressed)
        if (e->Key == VirtualKey::Tab) {
            // See KeyDown for Tab for comments on this code.
            TextBox^ textBox = static_cast<TextBox^>(sender);
            std::wstring modifiedString(textBox->Text->Data());

            int cursorPosition = textBox->SelectionStart;

            int offsetDueToLineEndings = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < cursorPosition + offsetDueToLineEndings; i++)
                if (modifiedString[i] == '\r') offsetDueToLineEndings++;
            modifiedString.erase(cursorPosition + offsetDueToLineEndings - 1, 1);

            textBox->Text = ref new String(modifiedString.c_str());
            textBox->SelectionStart = cursorPosition - 1;

            // Do something with Ctrl+Tab


对于简单的 Tab 按下:

  • 插入 Tab 会导致 TextBox 的撤消数据被删除。

对于 Ctrl+Tab 按下:

  • 如果用户按住 Ctrl+Tab,则会插入多个 Tab,直到松开 Tab。

  • 触发时,会短暂地看到选项卡正在创建和删除,这看起来很糟糕。

  • 使用 Ctrl+Tab 会导致 TextBox 的撤消数据被删除。


关于textbox - UWP/WinRT : How to make the tab key behave as normal in a TextBox?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31907616/


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