fullcalendar - 使用 FullCalendar 包打开特定日期

标签 fullcalendar laravel-5.1

我想知道是否有人已经解决了我的问题。 我正在使用 Laravel 5 Full Calendar Helper 来创建预订应用程序。 我想要实现的是在特定日期(即预订日期)呈现日历 例如,如果有人想预订 2015 年 12 月 31 日的房间,他将能够在预订房间之前看到该日期的日历(日 View )。


咨询 Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Booking;
use App\Http\Requests\BookingRequest;
use App\Room;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;

class ConsultController extends Controller
    public function consult(BookingRequest $request){

        // Look for the booking which matches with our search
        $seek = Booking::where('room_id','=',$request->room)

        // If no booking matches, then book
            $book = $request;
            // Get all the bookings on day requested
            $bookings = Booking::where('day','=',$request->day)->get();
            // creating events for the calendar
            $events = [];
            foreach($bookings as $booking){
                $events[] = \Calendar::event(
                    ''.$booking->room->name, //event title
                    false, //full day event?
                    $booking->day->format('Y-m-d').$booking->start, //start time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
                    $booking->day->format('Y-m-d').$booking->end, //end time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
                    $booking->id //optionally, you can specify an event ID
            $events [] = \Calendar::event(
                ''.Room::find($book->room)->name, //event title
                    'backgroundColor' => '#ff5722'
            // Adding event for the calendar
            $calendar = \Calendar::addEvents($events);
            return view('consult.book')->with(['calendar' => $calendar,'book'=>$book]);
        // If a record matches then redirect back
            Session::flash('flash_message','Lo sentimos ese horario está ocupado');
            return redirect()->back();



enter image description here

但我想要的是这个 View

enter image description here


详细查看文档后,我发现这个辅助类有一个 setOptions 方法,可以在渲染日历时进行更多控制


$calendar = \Calendar::addEvents($events)->setOptions([ 'defaultDate' => $book->day,'defaultView' => 'agendaDay']);

关于fullcalendar - 使用 FullCalendar 包打开特定日期,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34424847/


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